Generally speaking, my holidays HAVE been ideal, mostly thansk to my father. See, he's one of these old-fashioned german immigrants, totally in love with the landscapes in southern Chile. We actually lived there, so our holidays were tipically in some god-forsaken place, surrounded with thick vegetation, bone-chilling rain and a tiny tent protecting us from the weather. I loved those trips to death, and just recently, I managed to convince a group of close friends to do the same. This year year we spent a whole week walking in a national park (that´s when we got trapped in the mountains because of the earthquuake), and it has been one of the most gratifying exeriences of my life.
Next year, however, I'm trying a totally new type of vacation: I applied for the Work and Travel Summer Program, so I get to spend my summer months freezing i nthe upper hemisphere, working in New York in order to have enough money to sustain my living in New Jersey. I'm really excited about it, I get to improve my english, meet a whole new culture and I get to forget about university, it's complications and all that. I'll be gone for the holidays (the actual ones, Christmas and New Year) though, but having the oportunity to know the most life-bubbling city in the world makes up for it.
Where did you lived????